Taksu (2014)

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Title: Taksu
Genre: Drama
Release Date: 3 October 2014 (South Korea)
Runtime: 97 min
Director: Kiki Sugino
Rating: 5.3/10 from 10 users
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Chinese

Yôko Mitsuya, Takumi Saitô, Kiki Sugino

As Chihiro’s preoccupation with death begins to become a concern for the people in his life, he and his wife Yuri decide to take a trip to Bali to visit his sister. Yuri hopes that seeing his sister will ease Chihiro out of his funk, but when they arrive things only seem to get worse. Kumi spends most of her time preparing for her upcoming birth and Yuri falls for another man. It soon becomes apparent that the three of them have vastly different priorities and concerns as they struggle to find common ground.
在巴厘岛庞大的稻田里迷路的友里走累了坐下的时候,偶遇了刚刚也在咖啡厅的日本男性木村。他把车停在友里旁边,跟她说去库塔转换心情吧。友里接受邀 请,跟他去了库塔的夜总会。虽然友里一开始有点被周围轰鸣的音乐和气氛吓到,但在那之后慢慢地放开了,表情也变得开朗起来。当地海滩的男妓维恩向这样的友 里投来了炽热的视线,然而感到了危险的友里避开了他。之后在夜总会的过道里,木村和当地青年伊克激烈地交缠在一起。在友里被眼前无法想象的光景迷住之时, 维恩从友里的背后打算强硬地夺取她的身体。虽然友里奋力逃了出来,但她心中依旧清楚地残留着那恐惧之中无法抑制的欲望。


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