Hamlet For the Love of Ophelia (1995)

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Franco Lo Cascio

Stars: Christoph Clark, Sarah Young, Draghixa

Language: English

Country: Italy | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Dvdrip

Also known as: X Hamlet

Description: This is Luca Damiano’s version of the classic, Hamlet! And Damiano’s version is much more hardcore! Damiano has taken some of the most famous and familiar scenes from Hamlet and put his own sexual twist on it! If you’re a fan of Hamlet or hot sex, look no further … this is the movie for you!



Part1 | 1.04GB | 73:02mins | 768×576 | mp4 | English


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Part2 | 1.03GB | 73:14mins | 768×576 | mp4 | English


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