I racconti di Canterbury (FullHDRip)

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Alternative Titles:
The Cantabury Tales
Pasolinis tolldreiste Geschichten

Year: 1972
Country: Italy / France
Genre: Comedy, Drama, History, Erotic
Quality: BDRip
Language: English, Italian
Subtitles: English

Director: Pier Paolo Pasolini
Studio: Les Productions Artistes Associes, Produzioni Europee Associati (PEA)

Starring: Hugh Griffith, Laura Betti, Ninetto Davoli, Franco Citti, Josephine Chaplin, Alan Webb, Pier Paolo Pasolini, J.P. Van Dyne, Vernon Dobtcheff, Adrian Street, O.T., Derek Deadman, Nicholas Smith, George Bethell Datch, Dan Thomas
—Pier Paolo Pasolini’s startling candor and ribald humor illuminate these classic tales of romance, deception, murder and lust. A host of passionate lovers unite for a glorious, sometimes unexpected journey through Chaucer’s medieval England..
—Glimpses of Chaucer penning his famous work are sprinkled through this re-enactment of several of his stories
—Pasolini’s artistic, sometimes violent, always vividly cinematic retelling of some of Chaucer’s most erotic tales

File Size: ~4400MB
Resolution: 1920×1036
Duration: 111 min
Format: mp4



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